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Heading Tag

Shortcode Usage

I Am The Heading Shortcode

I Am The Heading Shortcode

I Am The Heading Shortcode

I Am The Heading Shortcode

I Am The Heading Shortcode
I Am The Heading Shortcode
Get the code

[gdlr_heading tag="h1" size="46px" font_weight="bold"]I Am The Heading Shortcode[/gdlr_heading]
[gdlr_heading tag="h2" size="41px" font_weight="bold"]I Am The Heading Shortcode[/gdlr_heading]
[gdlr_heading tag="h3" size="36px" font_weight="bold"]I Am The Heading Shortcode[/gdlr_heading]
[gdlr_heading tag="h4" size="31px" font_weight="bold"]I Am The Heading Shortcode[/gdlr_heading]
[gdlr_heading tag="h5" size="26px" font_weight="bold"]I Am The Heading Shortcode[/gdlr_heading]
[gdlr_heading tag="h6" size="21px" font_weight="bold"]I Am The Heading Shortcode[/gdlr_heading]

Heading With Icon

Heading With Icon

Get the code

[gdlr_heading tag="h3" size="32px" font_weight="bold" icon="icon-cloud"]Heading With Icon[/gdlr_heading]
[gdlr_heading tag="h3" size="32px" font_weight="bold" icon="icon-group"]Heading With Icon[/gdlr_heading]

Colored Heading With Icon

Colored Heading With Icon

Get the code

[gdlr_heading tag="h3" size="32px" color="#459cd3" font_weight="bold" icon="icon-magic"]Colored Heading With Icon[/gdlr_heading]
[gdlr_heading tag="h3" size="32px" color="#e44a64" font_weight="bold" icon="icon-headphones"]Colored Heading With Icon[/gdlr_heading]

Colored Heading

Colored Heading

Get the code

[gdlr_heading tag="h3" size="32px" color="#8ed345" font_weight="bold"]Colored Heading[/gdlr_heading]
[gdlr_heading tag="h3" size="32px" color="#d36d45" font_weight="bold"]Colored Heading[/gdlr_heading]

Heading With Background

Heading With Background

Get the code

[gdlr_heading tag="h3" size="32px" color="#ffffff" background="#8ed345" font_weight="bold"]Heading With Background[/gdlr_heading]
[gdlr_heading tag="h3" size="32px" color="#ffffff" background="#4cb1e5" font_weight="bold"]Heading With Background[/gdlr_heading]

Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.
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